Laser Glasses Glass - Filter FG1 Mineral Glass EN207

Item #: LSEP-FG1
Regular price: $280.00
(Frame 55 only): 

Product Description

Click above for detailed Wavelength OD Chart, Filter Color, and Visible Light Properties.
EN207 Wavelength OD VLT Wavelength Mode Rating
850-2800 nm 3+ 75% 850-900 DIR LB3
Yes 900-2600 nm 4+ Clear >900-950 DIR LB4
950-1010 nm 5+ >950-1000 DIR LB5
>1010-1500 nm 7+ >1000-1063 DIR LB6
>1500-2350 nm 5+ >1063-1400 D LB6
2800-10600 nm 5+ >1063-1400 IRM LB7Y
>1400-2200 DIR LB4
2900-3200 DI LB4
10600 DI LB4

Available Frame Styles (Frame 56 unavailable):

(click on image to enlarge)